This is a book needing a publisher.

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(There's a rhyming-tables game too!)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

5 X 8


Heather said...

Still faithfully reading every one and enjoying them - your verses are so quirky, I would have loved to have had them available to me when I was trying to learn my tables!

Susan Harwood, Esther Montgomery and Lucy Corrander said...

Hello Heather - how nice of you to leave a comment - I've been putting up the rhymes, not knowing if anyone was taking any notice - that's the odd thing about blogs . . . sometimes you don't know if you are working in a vacuum or if you have a lot of invisible company.

There's a bit of a hiatus at present. The drawings were scanned at a professional printers, who put them on a disc. Quite a few won't work properly when transferred to Blogger. (Some change colour dramatically, some won't come up at all.)

I re-scanned some of them as I went along but I've now got to the ones that really don't look any good when scanned in on my home printer.

I have an appointment at the printer's later next Thursday. After that, I'll be back to posting them again.

And I'm so glad you enjoy the rhymes. My inspiration was that I simply couldn't, absolutely couldn't learn my tables when I was little. I tried and tried but just couldn't.

I wish I had had them then too!


Heather said...

Hi again! Thanks for pointing me to the rosa-sinensis blog, and yes - it's absolutely OK to have told her about me :)

Keep up the good work!

Heather x